April 9, 2014

Moar KBS!

As you may or may not know since nobody gives a fuck, I just signed up on one of them twitters a few days ago. Why in the shit would I do that you ask? Purely stalking reasons, I assure you. ;) Also, you know, for things I feel like talking about sometimes but don't really want to litter the blog with. Stupid shit. Well, stupider shit than normal. For instance I won a bottle of 2014 KBS last Tuesday and thought that was pretty neat. That's a funny word, "neat". I had already reviewed the beer last year and would have put it on the blog, but wanted to see what a feed looked like on the left side so there it is.

Then I managed to snag these six bottles here on top of that, sooooooo...


Anthony1138 said...


Randroid said...

Damn! Beats my 4 bottles. Haven't even cracked one yet...

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